Project Hit Me Up
Project Hit Me Up is an app that was made to connect individuals to other individuals that want to participate in the same event. There might be a museum exhibition that is only happening for one week, or your favourite band might be in town, but all your friends and family are too busy to accompany you. By utilizing Hit Me Up, it allows you to find someone that also wants to attend the rock band with you, without having to go to the event alone, and to also make a new friend in the process.
By conducting research on the target audience (early 20's to late 30's), it allowed us to find the core reasons on why people had difficulty in meeting new friends. People are likely to meet and socialize with people from work, school, and their own family, but outside of this circle, the target audience prefer to not engage in social activities by themselves. People wanted to meet new people, but had a tendency of becoming nervous or afraid of what others might think. People were interested in finding an app that was used to socialize instead of for dating purposes. User Personas were created at this point, with Users that are both introverted and extroverted, in a variety of industries such as finance, the arts, government, sciences, and even engineering. In addition, the information architecture was mapped out for what would make the most sense for this App.
Information Architecture - Structured Hierarchy
Sketch & Design
Sketches were created via pen and paper, and made interactive via Marvel's Pop. Then low-fidelity prototypes were made via Moqups and Sketch. Each set of prototypes were critiqued by potential end users of the App.
After the design of the high-fidelity prototypes, it will go through a few more testing phases with the end user, including the client. There was some redesigns required, as well as modifications to the original information architecture.